REME Software

Giving Silicon Photonics Designers the Tools They Need

At Australian Silicon Photonics, we understand that a complete silicon photonics design framework is crucial for success. We use the industry standard IPKISS design framework from our partner Luceda Photonics for design, simulation and layout.

To ensure that designs are industry-compliant and scalable to mass manufacture, we have created and continue to develop and support a number of significant plug-ins for the IPKISS framework, including direct interfaces (and PDKs) for a range of electron-beam lithography tools, automated characterisation tools, and a comprehensive electromagnetic simulation suite, REME. REME for the first time allows simulation of the physical effects behind a new class of revolutionary functional building blocks, soon to be announced by Australian Silicon Photonics.

The REME simulation suite is now available within Luceda Photonics' IPKISS design flow. For further information, please contact Luceda Photonics.